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This link details the features released for all versions of Shelter Pro -> Version Feature List    


Upgrades available

If your version is:

The latest build is:

Version Status
Version 9.17 Build 0184 Current

Version 9.16

Build 0053


Version 9.15

Build 0067

No further development

Version 9.14

Build 0133

No further development

Version 9.12

Build 0070

No further development

Version 8.11

Build 0021

No further development

Version 8.10 or earlier

Build 0005

No further development



Non-SQL Server customers

For pricing, click here.  

SQL Server customers

No charge, upgrades are included with annual licensing.

Click here to see the details of our complementary upgrade offering.  BUILD upgrades - If your organization is currently licensed to use Shelter Pro, you are welcome to receive complementary upgrades to the most recent BUILD available for your licensed version. 



Determining your current Version/Build

To determine the current version and build you have installed, start Shelter Pro. On the main menu, select About  Shelter Pro / About this Product or Help/About Shelter Pro. Your current version will be shown on this screen. 

Should I get an upgrade

Looking at the chart above, if your build is less than the current build shown for your version, you should request a BUILD UPGRADE. It's free and the upgrade process is pretty simple.


If your current version is less than the highest version listed above, you should review the Version Feature List for a list of the nifty newer features that have become available. The latest version features will also be highlighted in the other pages (Modules, Screen Samples, Reports/Forms) on this website. 


If you decide to upgrade, you should request a VERSION UPGRADE. You will need to fill out and return the Shelter Pro Upgrade Order Form.

How do I request the upgrade

After determining which upgrade is appropriate, send an 'upgrade request' email to Info@ShelterPro.com. The email must include the following:

Organization Name

Mailing Address

Current Shelter Pro version and build

Number of workstations with Shelter Pro installed

Contact Name 

Phone Number

Email Address to notify of upgrade instructions


For a BUILD UPGRADE, no payment is necessary. For a VERSION UPGRADE, payment must be made in advance. 

What if I'm multiple versions behind

Do I need to pay for each intermediate version to "catch up"? The answer is no. You would only need to pay for one upgrade and the software will be upgraded to the most current version/build listed above. Upgrades are cumulative - with the purchase of a version upgrade, you would get all the new features which were included with each newer version. 


Other questions or need advice?

If you have questions which have not been answered above, please call so we can help. Our contact info is:

            RoseRush Services, LLC

            Phone 800-533-8599

            Email: Info@ShelterPro.com


Upgrade notifications

We provide an additional service of email notifications when a new upgrade becomes available. If you would like to receive e-mail notification when a new version/build is released, please send an email request to Info@ShelterPro.com




Contact info:

RoseRush Services, LLC

P.O. Box 2006

Buena Vista, CO 81211

Phone 800.533.8599

Email: Info@ShelterPro.com